Orthodontic Treatment is a way of straightening or moving teeth to improve their appearance and how they function.
Problems with tooth alignment including crowded, spaced, protruding and impacted teeth can be the result of genetic or environmental factors or a combination of both.
Many people seek orthodontic treatment to improve their appearance and although this is the most obvious reason for undertaking treatment, it’s recommended usually for a combination of reasons. Orthodontic treatment not only improves the aesthetics of someone’s smile it also improves the occlusion (bite) and the alignment of teeth.
Properly aligned teeth will help in the prevention of dental disease. The teeth will be easier to clean and therefore more resistant to decay. There is also less susceptibility to gum disease, uneven wear and jaw joint problems.
See Treatment Outcomes for before and after photos of patients who have been treated by Dr Sanders.
For further information on orthodontics please visit the Australian Society of Orthodontists at www.aso.org.au